Once you have completed the configuration process, submitted data, and established reference values, you are ready to view the results.

Steps to Complete

  1. Login to the Customer Portal
  2. Using the top menu, select IntraUnder the In-Progress Intra, select the Intra you wish to Manage.
  3. Click on the Results Tab
  4. In the resulting grid, choose View Results for the participant for which you wish to view.
  5. On the resulting page, you will see the submitted values and results.
  6. When you are happy with the data submitted, click the Mark Intra As Complete button.  When you take this step, you are marking the Intra as complete.  You will no longer be able to add participants, change values, etc.
  7. Once you have marked the Intra as Complete, you will be able to print PDF copies of your reports.
  8. To view & print your Final Reports select Intra > View Reports > View Results > Final Report