The Customer Portal allows customers to seamlessly order a new Intra using our easy-to-use wizard.

Steps to Complete

  1. Login to the Customer Portal
  2. Navigate to Intra at the top of the page
  3. Click on Order Next Intra
  4. On the resulting page you will be given the option to order two types of Intras being offered by NAPT.

    Manage Your Own Proficiency Test - This is the self-managed Intra where you as the customer will use our new Intra wizard to walk you through the process. Don't worry, if you have problems, you can always reach out to support.

    NAPT Managed - In this option, NAPT will design the scheme and process for you.  It takes more time, costs a little more, but you will send all the necessary information to NAPT. They will go through the process and send you the result.