Creating a PT Plan is critical for compliance with your accreditation body.  Our PT Plan Tool was created to lower the barrier and make it easier to develop your PT Plan.

NOTE: Only individuals who login with Admin Access or Quality Administrator can see and modify the PT Plan.

Steps to Complete

  1. Login to the Customer Portal
  2. Click on PT Plan from the top menu.
  3. The first time you go to your PT Plan you will be met with a welcome message.  Click on Start PT Plan.
  4. On the resulting page, the left side will show all ILC-PTs that you have planned.

    NOTE: If you just started your PT Plan, the list will be blank.  

    This is a running list, that each year you should review and add additional ILC-PTs to your plan.  The right side will show you the last time the PT Plan was updated and by whom.

  5. To add a requirement, click on Create New PT Plan Record. Select the Discipline, enter a Parameter and set the month and year for your PT Plan.
  6. Once you have selected the basic inforamation, choose the Provider.  You can choose Intra, Other or NAPT.

    If you select NAPT, you can choose the NAPT provided ILC-PT.

  7. Once you have selected your information, simply Click Add and the window will close.  If you have more ILC-PTs to add, simply repeat the process.

NAPT Staff does NOT order kits on behalf of the participant when listed on PT Plans.  Please refer to "Ordering and Linking from PT Plan"