Want to customize your personal experience of the NAPT Customer Portal.

Change your email address, phone number, reset your password, and set other settings.

What you'll need

  • My Profile is available to all NAPT Customer Portal Users

Access My Profile

To access your profile settings:

  1. Click on your avatar in the upper-right corner
  2. Select Profile
  3. Review and update your preference and settings
  4. Changes take effect, immediately.

Update Your Name

You can change the name that appears in the NAPT Customer Portal.  Please note that changing your name here DOES change your name if it appears on NAPT Reports and other communications.

  1. Click in the box for first or last name
  2. Enter your new first or last name
  3. Press enter
  4. A green box will appear to indicate your name has been successfully changed

Add or Update Your Phone Numbers

You can add and change your phone number that is stored on file with NAPT via the Customer Portal.

  1. Click on the Phone Number tab
  2. The resulting grid will show you all phone numbers that are currently assigned to your user.
    • To add a Phone Number, click on the Add Phone Number link
    • To edit an existing Phone Number, click on the blue link under the Number column
  3. Update the form based on the changes you wish to make.
    • When adding a new phone number, you must click the "Add Phone Number" button.
    • When editing an existing phone number, when you press enter, make a change, the save is done immediately, and you will see a green box.
  4. To delete a Phone Number, click the edit button and choose Delete from the resulting form.

Add or Update Your Address

You can add and change your address that is stored on file with NAPT via the Customer Portal.

  1. Click on the Addresses tab
  2. The resulting grid will show you all addresses that are currently assigned to your user.
    • To add an address, click on the Add Address link
    • To edit an existing Address, click on the blue link under the Address1 column
  3. Update the form based on the changes you wish to make.
    • When adding an address, you must click the "Add Address" button.
    • When editing an existing address, when you press enter, make a change, the save is done immediately, and you will see a green box.
  4. To delete an Address, click the edit button and choose Delete from the resulting form.

Add or Update Your E-mail Address

You can add and change your email address that is stored on file with NAPT via the Customer Portal.

  1. Click on the E-Mail tab
  2. The resulting grid will show you all e-mail addresses that are currently assigned to your user.
    • To add an E-Mail Address, click on the Add E-Mail Address link
    • To edit an existing E-Mail Address, click on the blue link under the E-Mail column
  3. Update the form based on the changes you wish to make.
    • When adding a new e-mail address, you must click the "Add E-Mail Address" button.
    • When editing an existing e-mail address, when you press enter, make a change, the save is done immediately, and you will see a green box.
  4. To delete an E-Mail Address, click the edit button and choose Delete from the resulting form.

NOTE: If you delete the email address you are currently logged into the NAPT Customer Portal, you will be immediately disconnected from the NAPT Customer Portal.  If this was your last e-mail address on file, you will no longer be able to login to the NAPT Customer Portal.

Reset Your Password

You can reset your password that is used by the NAPT Customer Portal

  1. Click on the Password tab
  2. Enter in a new password
  3. Click the save button