When your ILC-PT is in the Accept ILC-PT status, we are waiting for you to confirm that you accept the details around the use of the ILC-PT assigned.

NOTE: ILC-PT can be accepted by an Account Admin, Quality Manager or if the ILC-PT is assigned directly to the logged in technician.

Select In-Process ILC-PT and click anywhere in its box.  On the resulting page, find the ILC-PT marked as Please Accept ILC-PT.  In this case, it is the last item.

On the resulting form, you can review the IS / DRS and any other documents assigned to this ILC-PT.  If you are comfortable with all the information, click the Accept ILC-PT Kit button.

The status of the ILC-PT will change to Waiting for Kit.  We will work with you to schedule the delivery of the ILC-PT.  If you do not need to perform this ILC-PT, you can choose Cancel & Decline ILC-PT Kit.