When your ILC-PT is ready to Submit Results status, NAPT staff is waiting for you to submit your data and associated shipping information. When you click on your ILC-PT you will see the following page.
You can select what action you want to take. In the above there are four possible actions:
- Submit Shipping and Data
- Submit Data Only
- Submit Shipping Only
- Get Sharable Link
In this case, we will select Submit Data Only. On the resulting page:
STEP #1: Add Performance Information
On the resulting form, add the performed date, who performed the ILC-PT and any submission notes. If the person is not listed, selected technician not selected and enter the information into the submission notes.
Make sure to note if your lab is accrediated and if so, by which accrediating body.
STEP #2: Enter Your Data
On the resulting form, enter your submission data. If you did not perform a test for a specific measured value, leave it blank.
When you click Review and Confirm Data, you will see a page to validate your selection. If an item is in red, NAPT has automatically flagged that measured value for review. If a kit is new, this might happen more frequenty. For an established ILC-PT, it will flag less often.
If an item is marked as red, NAPT recommends you double check the values before submission.
NOTE: ILC-PT can be marked as Arrived by an Account Admin, Quality Manager or if the ILC-PT is assigned directly to the logged in technician.