The QMS User Interface (UI) is broken up into three parts.  The App Bar, Side Menu and Main Content window.

App Bar

In the App Bar you will see the different applications you have access to.  By default, when you login, you will go to the Quality Application.

The App Bar Order Is

Dashboard: Coming Soon

Quality: Collection of QMS features

ToDo: Pending Actions for your Organization

Report: Central location for all reports

Settings: Update settings you have access to

Log Out: Log off of your session

Side Menu

In the Side Menu, you will see the items available within the currently selected App from the App Bar.  For example, the Quality App includes: Assets, Audits, CAR/PAR/OFI, Documents, Meeting, Training and Service Providers.

Main Content

When you click on an item in the Side Menu, you will see the items in the Main Content appear.