- Enhanced usability
- Improved speed
- Increased security
Splash Screen: When you login to the customer portal, no longer will we just drop you into the ILC-PT management but instead we will ask what you want to work on today!
PT Plans: We have made it easier to do a few key items.
First, adding a new item to the PT Plan is easier than ever. When you first visit, we will walk you through the process. Once you have added your first item, you can use the Add To Plan button.
Second, ordering your ILC-PTs. Instead of having to click through each item on your PT Plan, now you can order all items at once.
Third, you can setup reminders about your PT Plan. Often times we get busy and setup the PT Plan but forget the important steps of ordering and updating the plan. Now you can set Frequency Reminders to how often you want to be reminded.
ILC-PT: We have created a new dashboard so it is easier to see what is happening in your organization.
Simply click on the card (number) to view all the In-Progress or Completed ILC-PTs.
In addition, we have added a new See All Kits and Order Process to make it even easier to figure out what ILC-PT to order next.
INTRA: We have updated our Intra Manager tools to make creating and managing your Intra even easier. Like the ILC-PT module, we have introduced a new dashboard when you visit the the Intra page. Just click on any of the cards to see the details.
When creating your Intra, select the number of measurements and default resolution
And then finish defining your measurements in a familiar grid as if you were still using Excel.