Once you have created your PT Plan item you can click Manage to make changes, update results and more.

Details Tab

On the details tab, you can change the information for your PT Plan Item based on changes in your organization.  The most common change is to update the planned Month and Year of your PT Plan.

NOTE: If a PT Plan Item is linked to an orderd ILC-PT you cannot modify the Discipline, Parameter, Provider or NAPT ILC-PT.  This is due to the fact that this item is now linked and results information will be provided.

NOTE: Changing a month of a PT Plan item does NOT impact an ILC-PT Enrollment. It is a date for you to track your information with your PT Plan.

Results Tab

On the results tab, you can set the results of your ILC-PT.  Even if an PT Plan item is linked to an ILC-PT, we will not automatically mark items on your PT Plan as "success" or "failure" as every organizations definition is different.

The concept is after the ILC-PT is completed, the PT Plan Administrator could update the PT Plan based on the results of the ILC-PT, Intra or other providers information.